Sunday, June 13, 2010

Clotting disorder

Hello Everyone,
I am on here looking for any new news of remedy's for severe fatigue etc... things like that. I am also looking to find others that have the lupus related clotting disorder. I am one of the lucky ones I guess of men to be diagnosed with SLE and have the blot clot disorder which has resulted in 5 confirmed heart attacks, the loss of my left let compounded by injury as a police officer. I still try and have a balance with exercise and knowing my limits. I have competed in jiu jitsu and other martial arts events placing third and doing well but am at the point of frustration because I am no longer getting signs of when I am about to have a flare. My adrenal glands hemorrhaged two years ago which has made things worse and I was told that is common for lupus patients but we all know we are all very different in symptoms, severity and frequency. So any idea, advice anything? I hope everyone is having a great weekend.